Curriculum vitae
Scientific interests
PhD Evgenia Petrova Valcheva, Professor
Department of Solid State Physics and Microelectronics,
Faculty of Physics,
Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski",
5, James Bourchier Blvd., 1164 Sofia
e-mail: epv(at)phys.uni-sofia(.)bg
phone: (+359 2) 8161 898

Curriculum vitae
Head of group
Electronic and Phonon Properties of Solid State
Materials and Structures
Master degree in solid state physics,
Faculty of Physics, Sofia University
Ph.D., Faculty of Physics, Sofia University , 1989,
Thesis : Investigation of the electro-physical properties of the interface plasma-enhanced
CVD SiO 2 - InSb
1997, Faculty of Physics, Sofia University
Employment history:
· 1997-
Associate Professor, Dept. of Solid State Physics and Microelectronics,
Faculty of Physics, Sofia Universiy
· 1990
– 1997 Assistant Professor, Dept. of Solid State Physics and
Microelectronics, Faculty of Physics, Sofia University
· 1983
– 1990 Physicist , Dept. of Solid State Physics and Microelectronics,
Faculty of Physics, Sofia University
Teaching experience
· Lectures:
· Solid
Sate Physics – since 2003
· Introductory
material physics – since 2005
· Analytical
methods for characterization of materials for microelectronics – since 1989
· Physics
of Semiconductors and Semiconductor Devices – 2001/02
Ion beam, electron and photon technologies - 1997/98
· Semiconductor
devices physics (in English, TEMPUS program)- 1998/99
· Properties
of surfaces and interfaces
Laboratory Physics:
· General
Physics (Electricity and Magnetism , Optics)- since 1985
Experimental Solid State Physics -
since 1989
Supervising graduate and doctoral students projects
Fields of expertise:
research interests concern the relationship between microstructure
and properties of solid state materials; electronic and phonon properties,
structural properties, optical properties, semiconductors; thin films and
low-dimensional systems ; surfaces and interfaces; point defects, extended
defects, condensed-matter spectroscopy; interactions of radiation and
particles with condensed matter; nanoelectronics, nanotechnology, epitaxy,
materials :
Si, GaAs, InSb, SiC, AlN, GaN, InN , thernary compounds; experimental
methods : Raman, IR spectroscopy, PL, I-V, C-V, DLTS
Grants, Visits, Activities
Nov.1995 - Jan.1996, Glasgow University,
Dept. of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Nanoelectronics Research
Center, TEMPUS Scholarship
Sept.1999 - Feb.2000, Visiting scientist,
Linköping University , Sweden
Jan.- March.2001,Visiting scientist,
Linköping University , Sweden
2001, one week, Research Grant, Research
Center Juelich
2003, one week, Research Grant,
Forschungszentrum Rossendorf - Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials
July- Dec.2002, Visiting scientist,
Linköping University, Sweden, Project of EC FP6, DENIS
AFOSR Grant , USA , one week, 2005.
Reviewer for Phys. Rev. B
International Projects:
2003, Research Project funded by Swedish
foundation for international cooperation and research (STINT)
2006/07 DAAD Project, Institute of Ion
Assisted Surface Modification, Leipzig , Germany
National Projects:
Head of 2 and p articipant in 9 scientific
projects, funded by the Bulgarian National
Science Fund
Head of 3 and participant in 3 scientific
projects, funded by the Sofia University Research Fund